Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back with red velvet cake!

Wew! It has been a while since I posted anything on here. Since I last posted, I have moved through two apartments and to a different country. Now, I am blogging from Copenhagen, and boy do I have a lot of food posts for you!

There won't be as many restaurant posts now, as CPH is a very expensive city for eating out. However, I have upped my kitchen production and have been cooking and baking as a form of relaxation.

Lately, I have been obssessing about Red Velvet Cake. This is mostly because i cannot get the right food coloring here for that deep red cake. Finally, I have succeeded, and it only took a bottle and a half of food color (about 40ml). :-) The cake also was kinda difficult to make, and I have a few ideas for improving it. The icing on the other hand is unlike other cream cheese frosting out there. With the addition of mascarpone cheese and heavy cream, it's a lighter version of cream cheese frosting!